Category: A Transformed Life

God Weaving the Threads of Our Lives into the Tapestry of His Purpose

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There are seasons of time, seasons of circumstance, seasons of growth, seasons of change.


Day 7 The Last Supper – Christ discloses His earnest desire for the last hour of calm before going out into the storm of the Garden, the trials, and the cross.

Looking To The Things Unseen…

Today, I read a something good. In fact, these words have the energy and spiritual fortitude for freedom, healing, and resilience. I thought you would be interested. In the Bible, 2 Corinthians 4:18 says, For we fix our attention, not on things that are seen, but on things that are unseen. What can be seen lasts only for a time, but what cannot be seen lasts forever.

How To Be At Peace

Today, I am at peace.  Such a silly thing to say.   I just thought you should know. You see, and I know that I am on the rather dull side, I realized that life is not about me nor about you for that matter, its about God; fulfilling His mission and purpose.  Certainly, I…
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Persecution… Curious, I thought I knew what the word meant.  I also thought I had never experienced it, but I was wrong. According to it has been defined as a program or campaign to exterminate, drive away, or subjugate people based on their membership in a religious, ethnic, social, or racial group: Hmm, this…
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Harvesting The Neglected…

We are gardeners. You can always tell a true gardener by their hands and our hands are no exception. A gardener’s hands are rough with callus, stained, full of cuts and abrasions and all knobby with arthritis. This is expected for we live to garden. Of late, we have been caring for some neglected olive…
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Becoming: An Eye Level View

At Trafalgar Square in the city of London stands a statue of Lord Nelson. Resting atop a tall pillar, it towers too high for passersby to distinguish his features. For this reason, about forty years ago a new statue – an exact replica of the original – was erected at eye level so that everyone…
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Becoming: Looking For God’s Peace

Today we light the Advent candle of peace. In honor of the day, God brought an early, morning visitor. While drinking coffee in front of a roaring fire, sleepily staring out our picture window at the misty mountain engulfed in clouds, a dove lit on the rail inside our porch terrace. A dove! He flew…
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Becoming: A Movement From Something to Something More

Having a heart of Advent means preparing for the Lord’s return. A big part of preparing for the second coming of Christ involves waiting. As His people, we must wait. In faith, we “wait for the Lord, and in His word we hope” (Psalms 130:5). Even when “God hides His face, we wait with hope”…
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Becoming: “Lazarus, Come Forth!”

Excerpts from my favorite prayer book… “We die; indeed we have to die in order to be resurrected, restored, [transformed], and renewed. We die and we die and we die in this life, not only physically-within seven years every cell in your body is renewed-but emotionally and spiritually as change seizes us by the scruff…
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